Netflix & Adobe Creative Jam - WeWatch

Product Design, UX Design, UI Design



June 2020

My role

UX Designer, User Researcher


Mingyue Qu (UI & Visual Designer)

Shuchen Wang (User Researcher & UX Designer)


Adobe XD


Adobe Creative Jam is a tournament event that Netflix wants to invest in creating and giving a platform to stories that connect people and cultures from around the world. How might we help families and friends utilize this platform and share their experience with content such as series television shows and movies they love?

The Challenge

Within 48 hours, design a third-party desktop web site or desktop app (not Netflix-branded) where the community can celebrate shared stories together through communal and authentic experiences.

01. Research and Define


Based on in-person interviews, we categorized the results respectively to make different versions of map sketches. Through our discussion and conclusion, we synthesized all the results into several key insights. The team promoted the idea of sharing content and relevant references, scheduling for a party, real-time conversation, etc.

We defined our knowledge gaps by seeking common ground between interviews and properly handle differences throughout the entire process, and all the ideas organized in the user journey map.


Key Insights from In-Person Interview


User Journey Map

User Journey web.png

02. Design


We brainstormed various possibilities and sketched ideas in this create low-fidelity wireframes on the desktop to test. Throughout the process, we iterated a few times of user testings and received critiques on functionalities and interaction.



Style guide


User Interface

Link Generated.jpg
Upcoming event.png
Send the link.png
Real time chat 1.png

03. MVP Demo


Schedule a party

This feature enables users to schedule a film party with friends, so they can watch content with family and friends privately and remotely. Users can send the invitation on their friends' list. It makes both scheduling and sharing action easy and accessible all in one platform.

Schedule a party.gif
Upcoming events.gif

Upcoming Events

Users can check and join the scheduled party in this section. While you are joining in the room, friends will also share their webcam on the top. This feature also helps the participants to engage in a real-time pre-event discussion.


Real-time Interaction

To further engage users in real-time conversation during the watch party, this feature will enable users to choose an avatar from the film. A real-time chat is also accessible during the film, so users can talk about the highlights and make notes of their favorite moments.

Full screen.gif

Watching in full screen

The users are still able to change the avatar and engage in real-time conversation in full screen.


Share your list

After users make lists of different kinds of contents, this feature enables them to share lists with family and friends.

Share list.gif