Office Hours Redesign

UX Design, UI Design

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December 2020 - February 2021

My role

UX & UI Designer


Torii Studio




Office Hours is a peer-to-peer tutoring app that connects college students with tutors who have completed the same classes they need help with. It provides students with the assurance of a competent instructor that is highly familiar with the material at hand and tutors with the chance to monetize their knowledge.

Torii Studio and I helped Oh’s founders to create a more cohesive and integrated experience in their app and improve low conversion rates. We combined a complete overhaul of the interface’s design with improvements in features like navigation and user flows. The result was a dramatic improvement in usability that enhanced the app’s concept and functionality.

01. Define Problems


Oh’s poor design and lack of consistency were affecting the app’s overall experience and leading to low conversion rates. Excessive design elements were distracting users and leading to low discoverability of the app’s features. An initial evaluation revealed the following problems:

  • Accessibility issues

  • Outdated UI design

  • Poor user experience

Define 1.png
Define 2.png
Define 3.png

02. The Process

To address UI/UX issues, we proposed creating a design system and then using its elements to revamp the app’s interface and improve usability. Our design system introduced a cleaner look based on flat design and minimalist concepts that reduced visual noise and simplified navigation.

We followed a lean methodology using quick iterations and frequent feedback sessions with Oh’s founders to inform our design. The entire process was a clear evolution from an outdated design into a modern, human-centered app.

From the issues that I found from the original app and the potential opportunities that could be improved, I decided to optimize the user flow by adding the feature that allows students to add their disciplines so that the users can categorize their needs. Second, I wanted to redesign the layout of the Homepage to make navigation and functionalities more clear. These two points I brought up would be the important sections to support users in the flow of adding classes more effectively and efficiently from the beginning to the end.


03. Style Guide

Style guide.png

04. Resigned User Flow

User Flow 1.png

User Flow 2.png

User Flow 3.png

User Flow 4.png